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Open Data Editor


Open Data Editor is written in PySide6, the official Python module from the Qt for Python project, which provides access to the complete Qt 6.0+ framework.

You can refer to the Official Documentation to learn more about it. (And it’s a handy documentation to bookmark!)


We are using 3.11. To start working on the project you need the following dependencies in your machine:

  • Python 3.11
  • python3.11-dev (For PyInstaller)
  • Node 18+ (For this documentation page)


As common practice with all python project, you should create a Virtual Environment (using your favorite tool!) to install all the requirements.

If using Python’s default virtual env you can execute:

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate


The project provides a Makefile with some usefull commands.

make help


To start working on the project install the dependencies:

make install

Make install will also cd into the portal folder and install all the dependencies for the astro project.


To work on the application:

make start


Documentation is written with Starlight (in the portal directory). The source articles are in the portal/content/docs directory. To start a live-reload server and work on the docs:

make docs

It will be automatically published on CloudFlare when merged to the main branch with previews available for pull requests.